Cookie notice
U tekstu u nastavku možete saznati više o kolačićima, kako ih koristimo i kako ih možete kontrolirati.
Kako bi stranice radile ispravno, te kako bi ih se moglo unaprjeđivati u svrhu poboljšanja Vašeg korisničkog iskustva, potrebno je minimalnu količinu informacija (kolačiće) spremiti na Vaše računalo.
Više od 90% internetskih stranica koristi praksu kolačića, te su one po pravilima Europske unije obvezne zatražiti pristanak korisnika.
Zakon dopušta spremanje kolačića na Vaš uređaj ako je izričito potreban za rad stranica, a za sve ostale vrste kolačića potrebno nam je vaše dopuštenje.
Stranice koriste kolačiće kako bismo Vam personalizirali sadržaj i oglase, omogućili značajke društvenih medija i analizirali promet.
Korištenjem stranica pristajete na upotrebu kolačića u skladu s ovom Obavijesti o kolačićima.
Ako ne pristajete na upotrebu svih ili nekih od kolačića na stranicama, možete ih onemogućiti prateći upute u ovoj Obavijesti o kolačićima, kako bi se kolačići sa stranica prestali pohranjivati na Vaš uređaj.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that your internet browser saves on your device when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent back to the original website each time you next visit that website. Cookies serve as a memory for that website, which enables your device to be recognized when you visit that website again, in order to display information tailored specifically to you. Cookies make it easier to use a website, since they save your settings for it, and activate them again when the page is restarted. In this way, the information you see is adapted to your needs and usual ways of use. From simple information about settings, cookies can store a large amount of your personal information (for example, your name, e-mail address, etc.), for which you need to give them access. If you have not enabled them, cookies cannot access the files on your computer. The activities of saving and sending cookies are not visible to you, however, you can select the option of approving/rejecting requests to save cookies, deleting saved cookies and other activities related to the use of cookies in the settings of the selected Internet browser. More information about cookies, including explanations of how to see which cookies have been placed on your device, and how to manage and delete them, can be found on the website
What cookies do the sites use and why?
- Temporary cookies (eng. session cookies) – We use temporary cookies that exist on your device until you close your internet browser. They are necessary for the correct operation of the pages, and allow the storage of temporary data.
- Persistent cookies – We use permanent cookies that have a defined duration and remain on your device until they expire or until you delete them. Most often, they remain even after you close your internet browser. With their help, pages store more permanent data, to make it easier for you to use them. These data are anonymous and do not include your private data.
- Necesarry cookies – We use necessary cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the pages, in order to enable certain technical features and thus provide you with a positive user experience. Necessary cookies make pages usable by enabling basic functions (for example, page navigation, access to protected areas, etc.). The pages cannot function properly without these cookies.
- Analytics cookies – We use analytical cookies that enable us to perform web analytics, i.e. analysis of page usage and measurement of visits. They help us to understand how our visitors interact with the site, with the help of anonymous collection and sending of data. We conduct it in order to improve the quality and content of the offered products and services.
- Marketing cookies – We use marketing cookies to track site visitors. They are used to show ads that are relevant to a particular user and encourage them to participate, which is important for publishers and third-party advertisers.
- Unclassified cookies – We use unclassified cookies, which are in the process of classification in combination with individual cookie service providers.
Third party cookies
The Sites currently allow several third-party cookies to be placed on your device. These cookies are not set or controlled by the site, but rather come from other websites located on the site. They serve for the smooth use of features that provide you with easy access to the content on the pages. For more information on how third parties use cookies, please visit the respective third party websites. The third-party cookies used on the pages are listed below:
- Google Analytics (uvjeti korištenja:; promjena postavki i onemogućavanje kolačića:
- Google Adwords (uvjeti korištenja:; promjena postavki i onemogućavanje sadržaja:
- Facebook Pixel (uvjeti korištenja:; promjena postavki i onemogućavanje sadržaja:
Kako kontrolirati i obrisati kolačiće
Većina internetskih preglednika prihvaća kolačiće, ali obično možete promijeniti postavke Vašeg internetskog preglednika da odbija nove kolačiće, onemogući postojeće, ili da Vas jednostavno obavijesti kad su novi kolačići poslani na Vaš uređaj. Kako biste postavili Vaš internetski preglednik da odbija kolačiće, pogledajte upute o pomoći davatelja internetskog preglednika (koje se inače nalaze pod izbornicima “Pomoć”, “Alati” ili “Uredi”). Detaljnije upute možete naći na stranici U slučaju da odbijete ili onemogućite kolačiće, i dalje možete pregledavati stranice, međutim napominjemo da se njihove određene funkcionalnosti mogu izgubiti. Društvo isključuje svaku odgovornost za bilo kakav gubitak funkcionalnosti i/ili kvalitete sadržaja stranica u svim slučajevima odabira regulacije primanja kolačića od strane korisnika. Osim toga, onemogućavanje kolačića ili kategorije kolačića ne briše kolačić iz Vašeg internetskog preglednika. To morate učiniti sami u izborniku Vašeg internetskog preglednika. Možete obnoviti ili izmijeniti svoju privolu za kolačiće klikom na gumb “Kolačići / Cookies” u donjem desnom kutu.
Promjene naše upotrebe kolačića
Bilo kakve promjene naše upotrebe kolačića objavit će se ovdje.
Podaci za kontakt
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja vezano za ovu obavijest, molimo Vas kontaktirajte nas na